God is among us. Follow each bishop, each priest, each Christian who lives the Gospel in depth and authentic sincerity.
God never tires of loving us, of seeking us, of walking by our side. God does not stop speaking. He respond to our personal and community prayer whether worship or supplication. He whispers that he loves us and his love is faithful and forever.
As your Pastor, I welcome you to this beautiful community of the Annunciation Parish. We are, YOU and I, pilgrims on the highway of faith. As Pastor I announce that God has not left us alone and constantly He says to you and to me "Do not be afraid . . . I am with you . . . "
My dear friends, this is our parish registration process.
I would like to promise you that all registration information will be stored under the strictest confidentiality.
To proceed, please fill in the informatioin below and it will be submitted directly to our Parish Office. Our Parish Secretary eventually wil call you to verify your personal information and will than send you a Parish Census form to complete the registration process.
Rev. Ricardo Ortega, Jr.