At Annunciation Parish the Altar Server ministry is for all who respond to a call to a volunteer service by assisting in liturgical celebrations. Altar Servers assist the priest in the celebration of the Eucharist.
The ministry is open to both boys and girls who are in at least 3rd grade and have received their First Holy Communion. However, in Annunciation Parish as Pastor I am welcoming all boys and girls who are in the formation process to receive the First Communion. I want to say to all children in second grade, boys and girls who will receive First Communion at the end of the pastoral year that during the Eucharistic celebration as they approach the altar they need to cross their arms over their chest to receive a blessing from the priest until the day that they receive their First Communion.
Boys and girls should understand the importance of the ministry and be committed to it. They will attend two annual training sessions to learn the duties and responsibilities of serving during Mass.
Our Altar Servers will have an adult as volunteer leader who will be training them twice a year. The Altar Servers leader at Annunciation Parish is Carmela Enriquez
If you are interested please contact the Annunciation Parish Office at 973-694-5700.